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Models for enabling private sector investment into Vietnam's grid

USD 15.2bn to USD 15.6bn of investment will be required in Vietnam’s grid as the country transitions to a goal of 47% of renewable energy capacity by 2030.

Whilst EVN and NPT has funded development to date the private sector is now seen as a key partner in the delivery of this investment programme.

Presenting findings from a UK Government technical assistance programme, a joint research team from Pioneer International Consulting and the local law firm VILAF recently hosted a workshop in Hanoi titled "Models for Enabling Private Sector Investment into Vietnam's Grid".

The workshop was attended by EVN Vice President Mr. Nguyen Tai Anh, who presented EVN’s perspectives following a recent visit to the UK and meetings with National Grid plc.

Issues assessed included Vietnam's current transmission and distribution networks, an overview of the existing legal framework for grid development, a review of international models for private sector investment in grid infrastructure, and an assessment of options suitable for Vietnam, including three “first project” frameworks for pilot schemes.

Please contact us for further information on the research and presentation material.


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